The Goodbye...

I posted this on Facebook as my last status, so most of you probably saw it there, but I want a record of the last day. The last positive interaction I'll have with the site so I'm going to post it here as well.

Because for the most part Facebook has been a positive in my life. It really has. That's why letting it go has been so hard. But sometimes the right thing is the hard thing. And for me, I know this is the right thing.

So here it is the last Facebook post from me ever, and as is my way, it's long:

"Today is the goodbye. Tomorrow I delete. (and everything I've ever posted will go away with it, so grab any contact info you need today)

(it's going to be long so Justin Dominick Tardio you can tap out now if you want)

Thank you. Thank you to all of you who've been here with me for so long. I will only be tagging a small handful of you because you know how Facebook gets with too much tagging and I want this to post.

Thank you to Corrie Ann and Teri Grant for "having coffee" with me all those years ago. You were my first magic box friends (things that sound dirty but aren't) and I love you for it.

Thank you to Hitgrab and Bryan Freeman, Dave, Jacob Johnson, Giorgio Sintichakis and Franco D'Auria (may his memory be a blessing) for not only designing a game but creating a communi-tay. And also for just being lovely human beings yourselves.

To my Degenerates, and my Wanderers, my old boards and the new, from not just all over the country, but all over the world, I am so thankful to you for sharing your different world views and ideas. You've made me a better person. I mean that. And you know I was pretty damn good to start with. 😂

Thank you to all of the people from my past who have reconnected through here. My friends from previous jobs, hobbies and schools.

Brent and I were talking this morning (Feeling nostalgic) about how fun and interesting it's been to see how everyone from high school grew up. The good, the bad and the...well...Honestly none of you grew up ugly. How in the world did we have such a good looking class?

I've loved reconnecting and getting a chance to renew some old friendships and getting a chance to deepen some others.

Preachers to lawyers and everything in between you all grew up so good.

Thank you to my hiking buddy and the group of clearly not well behaved women you brought in to my life as well. Knowing the liberal heart beats strong even over the river has been wonderful.

Facebook gave Brent a chance to reconnect with family in Michigan and for the only child of the family black sheep that was amazing. But not only did it bring in Kim, it brought in Kim's kids, and now their kids. He went from only Katie and I to a whole group. And Katie and I get to claim them as well.

It gave me a chance to connect more with my own niece and nephew and get insight into their lives as well, which has been wonderful.

I've made friends I'll have forever. I have soulmates and virtual kids that will always know Supermom loves them.

I've also made new nemeses and that's always fun too.

Writers need characters for stories and I thank you all for contributing.

And you, Scarecrow, I'll miss you most of all...

Now, there's cake in the breakroom.

Love you all."
